Carbon Neutral Certification

Carbon Neutral Certification

What Does It Mean to Be Carbon Neutral?

Being carbon neutral means that we’ve taken steps to measure, reduce, and offset the carbon emissions generated by our operations. In essence, for every ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) we emit into the atmosphere, we fund projects that remove or prevent an equivalent amount of CO2 elsewhere. This careful balance allows us to neutralize our carbon footprint, ensuring that our business activities do not contribute to the growing problem of climate change.

What Is a Carbon Credit?

A carbon credit represents 1 ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent. Companies like GOODEE purchase these credits to offset the emissions they cannot eliminate through operational changes alone. When we purchase a carbon credit, we are paying a developer somewhere in the world to avoid or remove 1 ton of CO2 emissions.  Each credit typically supports projects like reforestation, renewable energy initiatives, or carbon capture technologies, all of which contribute to reducing the overall concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

Do Carbon Credits Really Make a Difference?

There’s ongoing debate about the effectiveness of carbon credits, but when used correctly, they can be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. There are two main things to take into account: Firstly, credits should come from verified projects that demonstrably reduce or prevent emissions. At GOODEE, we’re committed to transparency and integrity, which is why we meticulously select high-quality credits that align with our sustainability goals. 

Secondly, carbon credits shouldn't replace direct emission reductions. They should offset unavoidable emissions while companies actively work to lower their overall carbon footprint. At GOODEE, investing in carbon credits is not a one-stop solution to reduce our environmental impact. We are constantly working to reduce our emissions at the source, so there are fewer and fewer emissions we need to offset.

Carbon Credits: New Form of Greenwashing?

Are carbon credits just greenwashing? Research suggests otherwise. A study analyzing over 7,000 companies found that those participating in the carbon market are nearly twice as likely to actively decarbonize their operations year after year. Furthermore, companies investing in carbon credits, like GOODEE, are 3.4 times more likely to set science-based climate targets.

Bronson Griscom, Vice President of Natural Climate Solutions at Conservation International, a U.S.-based nonprofit, asserts that “companies are typically not using carbon credits to greenwash their operations, but rather as an add-on to the efforts they are already taking to clean their own houses”. This is precisely what GOODEE is doing, and thanks to our partnership with Change Climate, we are held accountable to these targets and reevaluated every year to maintain our status as certified carbon neutral. 

To read the entire article written by Bronson Griscom, click here

Why We Chose Change Climate as Our Certifying Body

Since we were first certified in 2021, we have chosen to work with The Change Climate Project (TCCP), following their Climate Neutral Certified Standard (CNCS). When selecting a certifying body for our carbon neutrality, we chose Change Climate for their rigorous standards and commitment to genuine environmental impact. To earn the label, we must annually measure the cradle-to-customer emissions from the previous year, invest in high-quality, verified carbon credits, and implement specific action plans to reduce our emissions. We are held accountable for these action plans year over year, requiring us to meet our set targets and report on our progress. 

Change Climate also recognizes that carbon credits alone aren’t enough to move our economy towards a sustainable future. However, they explain that until full decarbonization is possible, properly certified carbon offsets can be one part of a larger climate solution. “Using carbon offsets as a ‘free pass’ to continue polluting is not the answer we need. Instead, offsets are best used strategically as part of a decarbonization plan. And that’s where the Climate Neutral certification comes into play”, they say. 

Change Climate is a globally recognized organization known for its stringent verification processes, ensuring that the projects we invest in deliver real, measurable results. By partnering with Change Climate, we are confident that our efforts to offset emissions are both credible and effective. 

To learn about the projects we invested in in 2024 with Change Climate, click here.

To learn more about the Change Climate organization, visit their website.

What’s Next for GOODEE

While achieving carbon neutrality is a significant accomplishment, we recognize that it’s just one piece of the puzzle. At GOODEE, we’re committed to going beyond carbon credits by actively reducing our emissions at the source. This includes optimizing our supply chain, minimizing waste, and working with partners who share our dedication to sustainability. Additionally, we continuously seek new ways to improve our environmental performance, from investing in energy-efficient technologies to supporting initiatives that promote sustainable living.