B Corp Certification

B Corp Certification

Better Choices

B Corp Certification

GOODEE is a (re)certified B Corp! Discover our journey.

We’re beyond thrilled to announce that, following a thorough evaluation by the non-profit B Lab of how our business practices impact both people and the planet, we have successfully renewed our B Corp™ Certification. This certification means that GOODEE “meets high standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability”— an achievement we’ve worked for since the idea of GOODEE was born.

Why is this important to us?

Certified B Corps are companies on a mission to evolve the existing economic system by “using business as a force for good”. Being a B Corp™ is not just a legal status: it’s a way of doing business consciously and responsibly to build a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.

As a company founded on principles of sustainability and mindful connection to our world, we felt that joining the B Corp community was a natural fit. Our B Corp Certification validates our raison d’être, which is to make the world a more beautiful, connected, and equitable place by bringing together the values of good people, good design, and good impact. It also ensures we always live up to the high standards we’ve set for ourselves. Embedded within the B Corp Certification is the principle of continuous improvement: B Corps are required to update their B Impact Assessment every three years to maintain their status, and they are encouraged to continue implementing improvements to their social and environmental practices.

Being part of a community of ambitious, purpose-driven leaders like Patagonia and Veja — to name but a few — is not only an honor but a constant source of inspiration. We really couldn’t be in better company as we continue on this empowering journey of positive impact.

So how did we become B Corp certified?

In 2020, after months of dedicated effort, we successfully completed the arduous B Impact Assessment conducted by B Lab, achieving our first B Corp certification. This in-depth assessment validated our commitment to considering our social and environmental impact in every decision, promoting transparency, and being accountable to our stakeholders. It also revealed areas where we could improve, guiding us to become a better business.

Three years later, in 2023, we repeated the process to recertify, reaffirming our dedication to positive impact. This accomplishment reflects the hard work and unwavering commitment of our entire team, and we're genuinely proud of it.

What does this mean for you?

When you purchase goods from GOODEE, you’re not only buying beautifully crafted, high-quality products for your home, but you’re also supporting a business model designed to foster a more inclusive, fair, and sustainable economy. B Corporations are advocating for systemic change, and with an ever-growing community of over 8,500 certified companies across more than 50 countries, the movement is gaining traction all around the globe. So you, as a mindful customer, are part of something much bigger. Collectively we have the power to accelerate a global cultural shift and make a positive impact on the world.

How do we select the brands that we support?

We tirelessly seek out the artists, makers, and doers from around the world who share our values and use their craft and vision to champion global causes. Whether it’s empowering women in marginalized communities, designing for a circular economy, or providing clean energy, these inspiring brands are pushing for change, and we want to shed the spotlight on their remarkable stories.

How do we ensure that the goods we curate are made responsibly?

Transparency and traceability are central to what GOODEE stands for. To make sure that every item we bring you is ethically made and transparently sourced, we develop meaningful relationships with all our brand partners and keep score of the materials they use, their supply chain, labor standards, ecological footprint, and business practices through our own in-house assessment system.

How do we serve our community?

Building a diverse team is crucial to creating an inclusive economy that benefits all. We are strongly committed to equal opportunity and support diversity and inclusion in our multicultural Montreal office. We also actively seek partnerships with brands from around the world that share our values, especially those led by women and underrepresented groups.

What’s next for GOODEE?

As a B Corp™, our aim is to constantly seek to do things better and be the best we can for the world. The best part of it is: we’re not alone on this journey. All B Corps are dedicated to improving their positive impact over time while helping other companies do the same. We learn from one another, inspire, and get inspired. At GOODEE, we love to partner up with like-minded creators within the certified community so that we can share their good work with you and ultimately design a world where everyone feels at home. Stay tuned for new exciting partnerships and collaborations!

Curious to see how we fared in the B Impact Assessment? Take a look at our B Impact Report.